How to Manage Conflicts at Work

Every employee wants to work with kind, considerate, caring management and on a team where they should be valued and aligned towards a common objective. When this happens everyone looks out for each other and for the overall goals of the firm. When disputes or conflicts arise between employees, they need to be addressed on time and in an appropriate way.

Otherwise, they could cause issues at the work like lowering productivity, lowering morale, increasing costs, and employee turnover. So, how do you address conflicts between employees? And what are the methods for conflict resolution at work? Read the post and find out.

Conflict at work is not necessarily bad. If one employee has a different perspective than others and prefers to share it with you, it demonstrates a concern. The motive behind it may be positive. But it may be a concern for you, your project, your organization, or other elements. However, attitude, motivation, and actions do matter a lot during conflict resolution at work. It is best for you if you can cultivate and promote positive conflict.

Obviously, every employee should be on the same page working towards the common objective for any workplace environment. We all are human beings and we all make mistakes at times we gravitate towards personal interests while looking out for ourselves. When a situation threatens your fear, greed, or personal self-esteem, you tend to look out for yourself. How do you address conflict at work to resolve issues?

How Do You Address Employee Conflicts at Work?

You should know your people by wandering around different management areas or heaving periodic times for touching base informally in a virtual world. You should understand their strengths and weaknesses as well as their personal lives. Know what’s going on at work and outside of work.

When a small conflict situation arises, you should look into the underlying conditions.. Behind every position is at least one interest. Interests often help you find a solution. Knowing interests will help you take preventative action in a much better way. When conflict arises, you should be there to listen and help.

Use the FIFI method.

A common mediation technique is to use the FIFI method. The acronym FIFI is for:

  • Facts 
  • Issues
  • Feelings 
  • Interests

 You should know the following things.

  • What are the facts?
  • What are the issues?
  • What are the feelings behind every issue?
  • What are the interests behind every issue?

You should lead compassionately and listen empathetically.

Leading compassionately means that you should remain calm during adversity. Take a deep breath and try to remain calm. Talk to yourself positively by motivating yourself to stay focused and by not letting your emotion take over.

 You have to be confident and competent by assuring yourself so that you can make your way through this situation together. You need to listen actively by paraphrasing, summarizing, asking open-ended questions, and understanding every individual for a better knowledge of where they are coming from given their concerns.

You should avoid jumping to conclusions, taking sides, and offering advice. Check whether both parties can create a solution with your open-ended questioning.

Apply this technique and help others to apply this mediation method for conflict resolution at work. You should be neutral and help both parties to produce a solution that can help both of them going forward. If not you may have to be the decision maker as the manager, but when employees can figure out a solution based on your skillful questioning, chances are everybody wins.

Bottom Line –

Do you want a professional mediator to help you with conflict resolution at work? Feel free to contact Michael Gregory today at (651) 633-5311. 


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