How to Solve Employee Disputes Effectively

Understanding Dispute Resolution

Dispute resolution is a process that resolves a conflict, a dispute, or a claim between both parties. The resolution process can be a good alternative to going to court. The process works in parallel with litigation or potential litigation. Typically, alternative dispute resolution involves either arbitration or mediation.

Generally, conflict or dispute situations occur between employees due to different reasons. More often, the right solution during disputes is for both parties to know how to work amicably with each other. Sometimes, the issues may simmer over time or become caustic. As a manager or peer, it can badly affect the work environment. As a leader, you may be called on to work with both parties to help them find a solution that everyone can at least live with moving forward. Hopefully, they would come to a solution where both parties are satisfied with the final result. In reality, more often the final solution may be anywhere between these extremes.

Using Mediation for Dispute Resolution between Employees

Real-world dispute scenarios may include you, your boss, employees, peers, or others. What are you going to do when you are involved in employee disputes, caught in the middle, or side with one of the participants? It seems difficult to be objective in these scenarios.

A qualified mediator with expertise and experience in dispute resolution can be an extremely valuable resource during these times. A mediator can build trust with both parties, stay neutral and make every conversation confidential. He will help the participants de-escalating the situation, listen to each other and focus on personal interests.


Generally, mediation techniques can help in diffusing dispute situations while enabling everyone to focus on their work. Rather than using authoritarian techniques to tell others what to do, a mediator listens to the participants and allows them to take part in sharing their thoughts in the decision-making process. If you are a leader, you have a complex role to do.

Unlike a true neutral outside mediator, you don’t need to address this only concern; but you need to focus on future relationships and other complexities involved with the firm, your team and the individuals included. Whether you are a manager or a leader at your workspace, you need to adapt your mediation skills to come to a solution. If both parties agree that they respect your authority and impartial decision-making and you feel encouraged to mediate the disputes, then you should be fine.

If you really want to bring on a neutral third party well-versed in dispute resolution techniques, you should contact Michael Gregory Consulting LLC. Mike is a qualified mediator with the Minnesota Supreme Court and an expert in dispute resolution. Feel free to reach out to Mike at (651) 633-5311, if you need help with dispute resolution.


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