Why You Should Use Mediation In A Conflict

We can have conflicts in our personal life and at work. This is part of life. It is normal to have conflicts with others when you and they care about something and come at the situation from different perspectives. Whether in your personal life or at work this can happen with you and someone with whom you interact closely. The question is, how can you resolve these situations when emotions are high and the two of you cannot find a way to move this forward? Mediation may very well be a very viable alternative to your situation. What is mediation and why might mediation be wise to use in conflict resolution?

Key Elements of Mediation

One of the advantages of mediation is that it is an informal process compared to other alternatives. The court rules of evidence are not applicable in mediation. Parties develop the approach to mediation with the mediator. For example, parties might promote that one person speaks at a time, that everyone is respectful, and be honest with each other. The mediation process may be in person or virtual. Mediation is confidential. The mediator controls the process and promotes collaboration process between the parties.

The final decision is up to the parties

The mediator is not a judge nor does the mediator advocate for a position. The mediator helps the parties to work together towards a settlement of their conflicts. The parties decide what the final settlement needs to look like. The process of mediation is not unilateral. Both parties play an essential role in determining how the settlement will happen. Each party can oppose the proposal put forward by the other party. It is also possible for the parties to terminate the mediation process and hand over the matter to the court or another deciding body.

The process helps to identify a workable solution

In a mediation process, there is an assessment of all the proposals put forward from a reality-testing perspective. In other words, the recommendations need to be realistic and workable. The mediator focuses on the future, not the past. The parties will determine how best to address the current conflict and address how to proceed going forward.

A great way to reduce levels of conflict

The effect of mediation is to allow all of the parties to be heard, de-escalate the situation, and reduce the level of conflict among the parties. Having a future focus averts arguments about right and wrong from emerging further. It evades worsening the aggression among the parties. Instead, the parties explore each other’s interests and work towards a resolution that everyone can live with going forward.

Time-saving process

You do not have to wait for the availability of the court or the Judge in the case of mediation. The only requirement will be the time for the parties and the mediator to find a time that works for everyone. Mediation is a time-saving process that normally saves expenses too.

So, if you would like to try mediation for conflict resolution, reach out to Michael Gregory Consulting LLC. The firm focuses on business-to-business, business-to-government, and within-business disputes. Either the firm can help you directly or point you to another expert that could help you with your situation. The firm is located in Minnesota but services a national clientele. Call them at (651) 633-5311 to book an appointment. The call is free.


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