Mediation: An Emotional Approach To Resolving Conflict

What is Mediation?

Mediation is an informal technique to resolve conflicts between individuals or groups with the help of a mediator. In this approach, a mediator discusses the issue with the conflicting parties, identifying the underlying causes and exploring practical ways for resolving or managing the conflict. Regardless of the complexity of the matter, mediation acts as a powerful tool to assist parties in resolving their differences and discovering ways to move forward positively. Mediation is a confidential process. The mediator is a true neutral facilitating the process.

What is involved with Mediation?

Being a flexible process, mediation varies depending on the parties' needs. In this process, the mediator will determine the best consultation process with all the involved parties. In general, a mediation process consists of:

  • Individual preliminary meetings with each party
  • Meeting with both parties for discussion and exploration of the issues
  • Development of the facts, emotions, and interests surrounding the issues with the parties
  • Generation and development of conflict resolution alternatives
  • Agreement formation

However, to achieve the best outcome from mediation and conflict resolution, you should hire an experienced and highly qualified mediator, who will help the parties find a  solution that works for them.. 


Why  is Mediation the most preferred option for conflict resolution?

A simple process to resolve conflicts, mediation involves a neutral third party who assists the disputants in resolving their own conflicts. It is a voluntary process. The conflicting parties have complete control over the agreements to be reached. Mediation and conflict resolution when combined together brings a number of advantages that include:

  • It is a non-adversarial process
  • Cost -effective process as compared to legal procedures
  • Confidentiality, neutrality and impartiality is guaranteed
  • No legal procedures are involved
  • Delays are avoided
  • It is a highly flexible process

The mediation process provides an opportunity for conflicting parties to find solutions to their conflicts. Therefore, mediation ensures acceptance of the outcome by the conflicting parties, which in turn enhances sustainable peace.

What is the Role of a Mediator?

The role of the mediator is highly crucial to achieve a successful resolution.. There are four major roles expected of a mediator that include:

  • A mediator needs to build, maintain and enhance the communication between the conflicting parties
  • A mediator must facilitate information to and between the conflicting parties
  • A mediator should make a connecting relationship with the conflicting parties during the mediation process for building trust and confidence
  • A mediator needs to cultivate a willingness to engage in cooperative negotiation.

Mediation is the most effective process for resolving a conflict be it a workplace conflict or a personal dispute. So whether you want to resolve conflict at your workplace or a family dispute, get in touch with a reputed mediator today.


When it comes to mediation and conflict resolution related to business, Mike Gregory is a leader. Mike at Michael Gregory Consulting, LLC is a renowned mediator who is internationally acclaimed. For more information visit


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