What a Smart Negotiator Will Do

Often negotiation and conflict resolution are discussed together as it is found that negotiation is one of the best techniques to resolve disputes in workplaces as well as in general. However, to make the negotiation technique work the best for conflict resolution it is important to take the help of a smart and experienced negotiator. But how to know if the negotiator is smart or not? Let us take a look at some of the basic principles that make a smart negotiator below:

A good negotiator does not look at the other party with whom they negotiate as opponents. Rather they consider them as counterparts for developing a win-win approach and create success for both parties. What  a smart and good negotiator does, let us check out below:

  • Gets the Other Party to Commit First

A smart and good negotiator always tries to get the other party to commit first. Why because the other party might offer much better than what is expected out of them. It further gives information regarding their objectives and plans. Talking about the rules, it is highly essential for the negotiating party to find out what the other party wants to do first and then proceed with your views. 

  • Act Naive and Not Smart

Yes, a smart negotiator is necessary for making negotiation and conflict resolution successful, but acting dumb who knows less than everyone else does. A smart negotiator should often act dumb and ask questions such as tell me more about the issue, what is concerning you the most, and likewise. When a good negotiator acts as dumb it helps in diffusing competitive spirit and opening up the doors for win-win solutions.

  • Focus More on the Issues

A good and smart negotiator is one who focuses on the issue and not on the actions of the other party. A negotiator needs to be relaxed and worry-free throughout to concentrate better. When the focus is on point, it helps the negotiator to understand the views and perspectives of their counterparts which further results in a successful outcome.

  • Planning Strategies Beforehand

A smart negotiator always remains ready with their strategies before scheduling a meeting for negotiation. Preparing the strategies beforehand is one of the most important strategies that help in assessing one's goals and anticipating the approach of the other party.


  • Tell the truth

A negotiator should always be considerate, polite and honest to achieve an effective and successful result. When conveying and exchanging the views and information, the negotiator needs to tell the truth as telling lies can ruin their credibility. 

  • Assertiveness is Essential

Negotiation can only help in getting the desired results only when the negotiator is confident and represents his views without anger or anxiety. Being assertive here means that one is taking care of their own interests while maintaining respect for the interests of other people involved in the process.


Michael Gregory at Michael Gregory Consulting LLC is one of the smartest and experienced negotiators who can carry out negotiation and conflict resolution tactfully. To learn more visit https://mikegreg.com/mediation-and-conflict-resolution.


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