Conflict Analysis and Resolution Skills Employees Should Learn

Each one of us experiences some kind of conflict in the workplace at some point in our lives. There are several situations that give rise to conflicts and disagreements with co-workers or higher officials. However, according to many types of research, it has been concluded that issues with co-workers are the primary causes behind the conflicts at the workplace. These workplace conflicts often impact employee productivity as well as overall productivity. Unresolved conflicts also impact employee engagement and may affect the company culture adversely.

While the possibility of conflicts exists almost everywhere in the workplace, the cost of leaving the conflict unresolved is higher. Therefore, it is necessary for employees to know the effective skills for conflict analysis and resolution. So what conflict analysis and resolution skills do employees need to be equipped with? Let us take a look at a few of them below:

  • Clear and Effective Communication

Employees must know how to talk to each other so that they can find out the source of conflict along with understanding the different perspectives of the situation. However, communication involves much more than just talking and putting your points at the forefront. For effective communication, employees should practice active listening techniques such as asking questions, using analogies for rephrasing statements, and restating others' comments to enhance the chances of conflict resolution.

  • Teamwork

Often individual personalities and disagreements give rise to conflicts within a team. But when individuals realize the behaviors that are essential for successful team functioning, the occurrence of conflicts at the workplace reduces to a great extent. Strong teamwork skills that help in resolving workplace conflicts include focusing on shared goals, ensuring that each member of the team has a clearly defined role, and intermittently restraining personal ego and desires.

  • Problem Solving

Problem-solving skills help individuals approach any issue or challenge neutrally making conflict analysis and resolution easier. When the individuals involved in the conflict know how to tackle a problem instead of avoiding or letting it go unattended, the chances of reducing the emerging conflicts become higher.

  • Managing the Stress

Many times stress rekindles the already ignited fires of workplace conflict and  sometimes the conflict itself creates a situation that stresses out everyone involved. Whatever might be the scenario, employees must utilize the necessary tools for managing their emotions along with the ability to cope up with the frustrations of conflicts at the workplace.  Applying stress reduction techniques and considering a referral to your Employee Assistance Program if you have one can really help.

  • Emotional Dexterity

When there are conflicts in the workplace it can trigger strong emotions, especially when the position or employment of an employee is threatened. Therefore, emotional dexterity is the key skill for conflict resolution as it allows you to realize the emotions of all individuals involved in a conflict including your own.


Get in touch with Mike at Michael Gregory Consulting, LLC for effective conflict analysis and resolution at the workplace. To know more visit


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