Mediation in Conflict Resolution - A Better Alternative to Legal Proceedings

Whenever conflicts occur it becomes difficult to decide where to turn to resolve them. Many times people opt to avoid it completely and hope that the issue will resolve itself over time on its own. Other times people try to blame the other side and punish them with legal proceedings. However, both approaches are prone to backfire in the long run. So what is the right way to resolve a conflict efficiently? The answer is mediation. Mediation in conflict resolution is one of the most effective and successful methods.

What makes mediation in conflict resolution a good solution? Let's check out below:

1 - The process is faster and less expensive than the legal proceedings

In mediation, the process is faster and lengthy trials are avoided which makes things much easier. With mediation, conflicts can be resolved right away. You need not have to wait for court dates and long proceedings. Moreover, there are fewer procedures and red tape to find the way. While a legal process may take time of 6 to 12 months or even multiple years depending upon the complexities with discovery and depositions and the length of a trial, mediation can resolve a conflict in just a few weeks or in more complex issues a few months. Besides that, a legal procedure is a far more expensive affair as compared to the mediation process.

2 - Risk is less with Mediation and It Gives You More Control Over the Result

If you choose to go to court for conflict resolution a judge will impose a solution on all parties. Predicting the result ahead of time is very limited here and you will have to live with whatever decision the trier of fact makes. So, ultimately there is nothing under your control. But by incorporating mediation in conflict resolution you are not judged by anyone. In fact, a mediator helps you in reaching a consensus without making decisions for you. In mediation, everything happens in a controlled manner and there is more creativity in finding a solution that is accepted by all parties.

3 - Mediation is an Informal Process

Meditation makes it easier to find a solution through proper conversations. Although each mediator has his own style, the focus is to help you in finding a resolution. The formalities of the court proceedings turn out to be extremely overwhelming up to an extent that the people representing themselves (when they do not have a lawyer) find it difficult to understand the rules and procedures making the process even more stressful. On the other hand, mediation is an informal and easy way to handle conflicts and resolve them.


4 - Privacy and Confidentiality is Maintained

In mediation, everything you say in the session is confidential  unlike court, which is public. The privacy and confidentiality of your mediation session can be a real plus.. Having gone to mediation it is possible to discover facts and arguments that to this point were unknown to you or to the other party. This can help facilitate closure.

In addition, mediation in conflict resolution helps in preserving relationships and lets you return back to your usual life.


Michael Gregory is a renowned mediator with years of experience. If you are looking to make use of mediation in conflict resolution, then please contact him today. Visit


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