Effective Strategies for Conflict Resolution at Work - Exclusively for Leaders

Conflicts in the workplace should not be ignored! In fact it has been determined that when conflicts are avoided or ignored, the situation can simmer, become worse, and in the long run negatively impact productivity. It is vital to resolve negative conflicts at the workplace as soon as possible. In such scenarios, business leaders and managers play a crucial role in extenuating any negative impact of the conflict. It can be achieved partly by nurturing a healthy workplace culture that promotes trustworthiness and respectful communication.

However, to achieve the best conflict resolution at work, the leaders and managers need to understand how and when to act in such situations. If you too want to get the conflict at your workplace resolved, then take a look at some of the top strategies you can use for managing conflicts in the workplace efficiently.

Before taking a plunge into the strategies let us first understand why leaders must intervene and take the initiative. Unresolved conflicts can have highly damaging effects on the workplace culture which may eventually deteriorate the productivity and reputation of the entity. Moreover, it can result in occupational stress, absenteeism, lack of motivation and loss of productivity.

So what are effective strategies you can implement for conflict resolution at work? Let's find out below:

Analyze the Problem

Analyzing a conflict starts here. Be careful. Suspend judgment.  Keep an open mind.  You need to understand the type of conflict you are dealing with and its underlying cause in the corporate setting.  There can be four different types of conflicts you can typically crop up in the workplace.  These are:

  • Hierarchical conflict:  Conflict between staff and their leaders or superiors.
  • Line staff Conflict:  A conflict that involves overlap between lines of authority.
  • Functional Conflict: A conflict that involves disparity over the way to improve processes or performance.
  • Formal/informal Conflict: A conflict that takes place between or within departments.

Root Causes of a Workplace conflict can be a result of a clash of personalities, competing goals, unhealthy competition, communication errors and other areas.

Be Prompt in Your Actions

In certain cases, conflict between employees may be resolved between the affected parties without any interference or intervention of superiors or managers. Being a leader or manager, you need to develop decision making skills and must know when to act and address the issue. You need to intervene promptly and tactfully, when your involvement is needed.. It is always best to adopt an informal approach at the beginning instead of going with a formal procedure which could turn out to be counterproductive. Remember, taking action in the early stage can help in stopping the conflict from escalating and getting tougher to manage.

Be Ready with the Facts

Conflict differences between people can be caused due to personality, social or cultural background, or working style for example. As a leader  you need to consider where conflict arises. Understanding and respecting differences plays a crucial role in conflict management as it can help you remain focused on the issue instead of entering the blame game.


Strengthening Shared Goals

Individual differences are one of the major root causes of conflicts in the workplace. However, these also provide opportunities. Focusing on goals, roles, and values can overcome differences and promote focus on the overall mission, vision, and project.  Therefore, make sure that your strategies for conflict resolution at work revolve around creating shared goals that are more relevant than individual differences.

If Nothing seems to work, consider bringing on board a professional mediator who will use their knowledge and tactics to work with you and your people to resolve your workplace conflicts in an unbiased way.


Mike at Michael Gregory Consulting, LLC is one of the leading mediators who can resolve the conflicts at your workplace. To know more visit https://mikegreg.com/mediation-and-conflict-resolution.


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